KofC Baby Shower/Bottle Drive Event
On October 4th from 7am-11:30am, the Knights of Columbus will be collecting baby items to benefit Pathway Health Clinic, a Christian based organization focused on preventing abortions by providing free services to moms and pregnant women. Donations of cash and items for newborn babies are always welcome. Items needed are blankets & quilts, infant sleepers, “Onesies” & tee shirts, booties, hats & sweaters, cloth diapers for burping, diapers (infant and sizes 1-6), diaper bags, baby wipes/refill packs, diaper rash medicine, lap & crib pads, pacifiers, nursing pads, baby shampoos & lotion, baby thermometers and nail clippers.
Please stop by our baby shower station near the BBQ area and take home an empty baby bottle to fill with your spare change. The K of C will be collecting your baby bottles following each mass on Sunday, October 25th.
To learn more about Pathway Health Clinic, please visit their website at: www.pathway-healthclinic.com