Our Council will be doing an online Christmas Cards sale starting now and ending on October 30, 2020. You will receive your orders by Thanksgiving Day 2020.
The purchase of 1 box of Christmas Cards by each Brother Knight will help greatly in meeting our goal to support two Franciscan Seminarians this Columbian year. Help us meet this goal and send your family and friends a Christmas Blessing at the same time!
When submitting your orders please include the Style #, Quantity you are ordering, your name and phone number on the body of the email. You will pay for your orders upon pick up at the Parish
(Dates and pick up times will be coordinated at a later time through e-mail. Payment will be accepted in the form of Cash or Check. Please make checks payable to: K of C Council 3162).
Submit your orders to: sailor20@rocketmail.com or alextrivera619@gmail.com