2020 Year in Review
This year has brought many challenges, but it has proven that Knights of Columbus only grow stronger during trying times. As we look forward to the new year, may each of us turn to the inspiration of Blessed Michael McGivney and resolve to stand together as the strong right arm of the Church, leaving no neighbor behind.
To honor our brother Knights and their service to Christ, his Church and to all those in need, we made a short video highlighting the accomplishments of our Order over the past year.
It has been said that “where there’s a need, there’s a Knight” — in 2020, we proved that once again. Even as we met challenges head-on, we advanced the mission given to us by Blessed Michael McGivney. Check out our end-of-the-year video and gain a glimpse of the accomplishments over the past year.
We invite you to share the video with friends, brother Knights, fellow parishioners, members of your council and others interested in the work of the Knights of Columbus — share the video via email or by posting it on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.
Our job is not yet done
In this year that has been a challenge for many, we put our fraternal charity on display anew. If your situation allows, please help us to continue the legacy of charity established by our founder, Blessed Michael McGivney, through a gift to K of C Charities. DONATE NOW