
Wheelchair Sunday

The goal of this initiative is to provide aid to those who lack the freedom of mobility in our communities and around the world. Watch the Video


Since 2003, the Knights of Columbus, have helped provide thousands of NEW wheelchairs to children, teens and adults in need of mobility. Please join the Knights on Jan 26th, for “Wheelchair Sunday”, to learn how you can help answer the prayers of families in Mexico.


The Knights of Columbus has been partners with the American Wheelchair Mission since 2003 and Canadian Wheelchair Foundation since 2006, under the umbrella of the Global Wheelchair Mission. This initiative provides aid to those who lack the freedom of mobility in our communities and around the world. Whether councils are presenting wheelchairs to local veterans and neighbors in need or donating funds to benefit those abroad, mobility brings with it independence and dignity. Obtained at discounted prices, these wheelchairs change the lives of their recipients. Working with the Global Wheelchair Mission is a perfect opportunity to put your faith into action and involve the entire community in the rewarding charitable work done by your council.


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