Category Archives: Awards

Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners (8th grade Alexis deLongpre, 9th grade Isabell Gunther, 10th Jeffrey M Asejo Domingo, 11th Yesnia Salazar, 12th Grade Victoria R Mayorquin. Judges were Fr Lalo & BK Jeff Ripa and Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Chairmen BK Jack Schwarzel OVERVIEW This contest encourages today’s youth to be more connected to their community…

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2023-2024 Star Council Award!

Council 3162 has earned the 2023-2024 Star Council Award! Star Council Award 2023 – 2024 Fraternal Year The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and programming. In order to achieve the Star Council Award, a council must earn the Father McGivney, Founders’, and Columbian Awards. Additionally, the council must submit both the Annual…

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75th Anniversary Gala Event UPDATED July 2023

Founded in 1948 Council 3162 Knights of Columbus de Francia have been serving the community of Oceanside and surrounding areas in the spirit of our founder Fr Michael J. McGivney, Charity, Unity, Patriotism in solidarity with the Mission San Luis Rey Parish.

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Ivey Ranch Visit

Today our council visited on May 7th, 2022 and received a tour and information about the good work being done at Ivey Ranch. The Council presented a check for $1,308 as part of our ID Drive Special Needs Campaign which benefits children and adults with special needs. Thank you to all who volunteered their…

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Honorary Membership is for members who have attained the actual age of 65 and who have been members of the Order for 25 consecutive years. Honorary Life Membership is for members who have attained the actual age of 70 and who have been members of the Order for 25 consecutive years and for those who have been members of the Order for 50 consecutive years, regardless of age

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Monday Memories

70 years of Service — June 18, 2018– Congratulations to our Knights of Columbus 3162 for 70 years of service to the Mission and Parish. Fr. Vince recently presented the Knights with this beautiful San Damiano cross. On the reverse are the words Jesus said to St. Francis of Assisi– Go, repair my Church. Francis…

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Family of the Month

Overview Each month, the council selects one Knight family that models Christian family values and visibly lives them every day. Once a year, each participating council also selects one of the previous twelve Family of the Month winners to represent the council/parish as the potential international Family of the Year. The Knights of Columbus Family…

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