Baby Bottle Drive

KofC Baby Shower/Bottle Drive Event On October 4th from 7am-11:30am, the Knights of Columbus will be collecting baby items to benefit Pathway Health Clinic, a Christian based organization focused on preventing abortions by providing free services to moms and pregnant women. Donations of cash and items for newborn babies are always welcome. Items needed are…

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Family Rosary Via Zoom

Family Rosary for October 8th at 0730 Brothers Knights! Please gather your families and join Cherie and me for the Knights of Columbus Council 3162 Family Rosary! Rest assured it will be COVID safe via ZOOM. We would like to start promptly at 7:30 pm on Thursday October 8th. We can present our intentions to…

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WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A KNIGHT We are Catholic men who lead, serve, protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models and to put charity and community first In 1882, Father Michael J. McGivney gathered a small group of parishioners in St. Mary’s Church in…

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Knights of Columbus History

History OUR HISTORY FOUNDING AND EARLY ACTS OUR FOUNDING 1882-1899 The Knights of Columbus is founded by Father Michael J. McGivney on Feb. 6, 1882 with a mission of charity.Read More FLEDGLING TO THRIVING 1900-1909 The fledgling Order grows dramatically at the beginning of the 20th century to serve communities beyond the United States.Read More…

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