Continual Food for Families Drive
Our Council has started a continual food drive. Feel free to donate food items and bring them for the Food for Families drive, donations are welcome
Faith in Action – Family Programs

The goal of Food for Families is to ensure that as few as possible go to bed hungry each night.
A Higher Purpose
Help end hunger in communities across North America. Many people in our communities are struggling through hardship and unable to provide food to their families. Food for Families ensures that as few as possible go to bed hungry each night. A featured program, Food for Families counts for two credits toward the Columbian Award.

Knights of Columbus are committed to helping end hunger through the Food for Families Program which has donated millions of dollars and millions of pounds of food toward this cause. Council and parish families will raise funds to support their local food pantries, food banks and soup kitchens. For every $500 or 1,000 pounds of food donated, the Supreme Council will refund $100 back to the council – up to a maximum of $500 per council per fraternal year. Though in-kind donation of food is valuable, leaders of hunger-relief organizations often comment that financial contributions can be stretched even further and allow nonprofits to procure the exact items needed by the organization and its clients.