Crusader March 2021


Brothers All, Families, Squires, Roses,

We hope that you are taking the time to prepare through Lent for Easter and the Resurrection of Christ.  We are asked to pray, to give alms and to fast.

At the officers meeting, we discussed the council growth in two areas-membership and program development.  I asked the leadership and membership to look forward and plan.  First, we will have at least a ten per cent growth in membership with the addition of many Spanish speaking brothers.  And secondly, in most organizations it is the same five to eight guys doing everything in programs.  We have four program areas, Faith, Family, Community and Life.  Now we need to grow and involve five to eight different guys in each of these areas.                                                                                                                           

The council is involved in four prayer activities at this time during this Lenten season.  First, we have eight (8) brothers taking the thirty-three day “Consecration of St. Joseph” under the parish leadership of Andy Domingo, Jr.  Second, we have ten (10) brothers involved with “Into the Breach” under the leadership of DGK Sage Chavez.  We have another twenty -eight brothers and parishioners (28) involved with the “Lenten Gospel Reflections Program of Bishop Robert Barron under the guidance of myself.  And of course, we will have another twenty-four (24) people praying with Rich and Cherie Hirasuna in our Family Rosary Program.

Our council is united in prayer.  Our council is united with the parish in prayer.  We are in solidarity with our priests and bishops in prayer.  We start and repent in prayer.  We live the gospel in prayer.
