June Meeting Notice- Council Elections
Brothers, our June meeting is when we hold our council elections. It is important that as many Knights as possible attend this meeting. It will be a hybrid meeting both live and on our councils ZOOM. The live meeting will be held in St. Michael’s Court at the San Luis Rey Parish 4070 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, 92057. The gate at St. Michael Court will open at 7 PM for a social . The meeting ZOOM information is below.
The meeting ZOOM information is below:
Topic: KofC #3162 Council MeetingTime: Jun 2, 2021 07:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82675455201?pwd=c2Y2eUlReUQwWlpGakd6ZC8ycnNRdz09
Meeting ID: 826 7545 5201Passcode: 513334
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Vivat Jesus!
GK Armando Mena