We Welcome Everyone Back To Mass


CA State Deputy April 2021 Message

Brothers All,

As we continue to charge boldly ahead, we find ourselves in the middle of Holy Week. It is time to step up and step out in our parishes to help Father welcome everyone back to Mass. Frankly, there is no one more uniquely positioned in the parish than the Knights of Columbus to help attendance grow at Mass with a new start.

So, as we step out there to do our programs and to support our parishes and communities like never before, let’s draw inspiration from Saint Peter, Our patron for this Columbian Year. We all know the story; he needed a fresh start at one time too after denying our Lord. I can only imagine the reason the Gospels spent so much time on this topic was so that we could learn the lessons of his fall…yes, but also of his second chance to rise, a second chance to step up!

With Easter just around the corner, Jane an I would like to take a moment to say, as well as all of your California State Officers, thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout this year to achieve awards in spite of the pandemic and to offer our thoughts and prayers for you and your families throughout the Easter Season.

Also, please find and share April 2021’s edition of Prayers in the Pew Monthly. You will discover how relevant our Knights of Columbus motto “TEMPUS FUGIT, MEMENTO MORI” applies to this season where we contemplate the mysteries of our Catholic faith more fully, from time into eternity.

Take special note to:

  • Learn and Recite the Anima Christi prayer
  • Participate in the Featured Faith in Action Program of the Month: Good Friday Family Promotion
  • Embrace the Easter Season Spiritual Challenge from our California State Chaplain, Fr. John Neneman to attend Holy Week liturgies and much more….

Please continue to be safe out there and remember that fear is useless. What we need is Faith. Be Bold!

May God bless you and yours,

Stephen E. Bolton

State Deputy 2020-2021

California State Council

Knights of Columbus
