Updated Dues Notice
2022 KofC Membership Dues Notice coming soon
Your 2022 KofC Council Dues Notice will be published December 15th and sent to you in the mail. The Council Officers have made a couple of changes this year; 1) There is no longer a Special Assessment, and 2) Online payment option has been implemented for your convenience. If you have any questions when you receive your 2022 Council Dues, please contact the Financial Secretary at your earliest opportunity. Your Dues Notice will reflect your current Dues status, and Miscellaneous Assessment. Your Annual Dues are based on the following membership status: Regular =$48, Honorary =$20, Student =$15, and Honorary Life, Seminarian, Military, & Disabled = $0. The Miscellaneous Assessment = $3.65, is for 365 Club which is optional. See the 365 Club description below.
In 1955, the State Council created California Columbian Charities, Inc. The charity is dedicated to assisting California Brothers in financial distress, including their widows. For almost sixty years, we have consistently worked to provide charity, the first principle of our Order, and to fulfill Father McGivney’s mandate of BROTHER
HELPING BROTHER. We ask that every Brother in California join the 365 Club and donate a penny a day, by adding an additional $3.65 to their dues payment. This will provide every
Brother in your Council an opportunity to practice charity, unity and fraternity. We hope that 100% of the active Councils in California will contribute. The council should hold these funds until May when they can be brought to the State Convention. For more information on the 365 Club and other state council programs, please visit the KofC State Council website at www.californiaknights.org or our Council website:
Pay your Dues electronically
You can now pay your dues electronically through your bank. The Council officers have looked at several electronic payment options to allow our council members to pay their dues or make a donation electronically. Council #3162 has adapted “Zelle” to send funds electronically from your bank account to Council #3162. Zelle works with banks across the U.S. so you can send and receive money in a moment. All you need is the recipient’s U.S. mobile number or email to send money directly to their checking account. Your account information stays protected- you won’t see the other person’s bank account info, and they won’t see yours. Zelle is available at most banks. You can pay your Dues or make a donation to the Council by utilizing the Council email (kofc3162@gmail.com) . Zelle procedures will be posted on the Council website and be found with this link: https://kofc3162.org/zelle/
Directed Charitable Donations
Any council member can contribute! If you would like to help Council #3162 continue our charitable works, we invite you to consider making a directed contribution to one of the following charitable funds:
– 365 Club, – Culture of Life Fund, – Intellectually Disabled Drive, – Military Fund, – Rachel Statue Fund, – Scholarship Fund, – Special Olympics, – Vocations Fund, – Widow & Orphans, Disaster Fund, – Wheelchair Mission.
The money in these charitable funds are held separate from the Council operating funds and used for the specific funds intended purpose. If you decide to make a directed donation to one of the above charitable funds, please send your donation to Council #3162 and your funds will be directed as you intend the money to be utilized. Your donation goes to good use to help those less fortunate.
2021 Annual Fraternal Survey Input, Coming Soon
Although this has been a unique year, Council #3162 needs your participation for the Annual Fraternal Survey. The KofC wants to hear about your Fraternal activity throughout 2021. In January, Council #3162 will publish a link to an electronic survey where each council member can input their Fraternal activity information. We are requesting your input to the following questions: From January to December 2021, how many times did you:
1. Visits to the Sick 2. Visits to the Bereaved 3. Number of Blood Donations 4. Hours of Fraternal Service to Sick/Disabled Members and their FamiliesThe electronic Survey will be available from Jan 1st – 23rd and we look forward to your participation.